Во что инвестировать деньги в 2020 году лучше всего небольшие деньги

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Инвестирование может быть отличным способом создать себе пенсионный фонд. Фонд первоначального взноса или сбережения на обучение в колледже. Чем дольше будут расти ваши деньги, тем меньше вам придется инвестировать.

Лучше всего начать инвестировать как можно скорее – даже сегодня, если сможете. Начните с того, что убедитесь, что ваш долг по высоким процентам находится под контролем. И у вас есть достаточный чрезвычайный фонд (наличные деньги. К которым вы можете быстро получить доступ. Если потеряете работу или столкнетесь с неожиданным событием).

Исторически сложилось так, что инвестиции легко опережают инфляцию — даже при обычных подъемах и спадах рынка.

Вам просто нужно знать, как распределить свой риск и выбрать правильные методы, которые помогут вашим деньгам расти.

Мы спросили экспертов. И вот лучшие инвестиции. Чтобы ваши деньги росли сегодня.

Зачем и когда инвестировать?

Во-первых, давайте сначала рассмотрим. Когда вам следует начать инвестировать.

“Ваши деньги со временем приносят деньги. Когда вы инвестируете. Вот как вы накапливаете богатство”, – говорит Кэтрин Перри, сертифицированный финансовый планировщик и консультант Fort Pitt Capital Group, фирмы по управлению инвестициями в Пенсильвании.

Профессиональный совет

Прежде чем инвестировать, важно понять вашу толерантность к риску, сроки и то, какую учетную запись использовать. Для многих людей это может означать недорогие индексные фонды на счете Roth IRA до выхода на пенсию.

Убедитесь, что у вас есть свой чрезвычайный фонд. Прежде чем вы начнете инвестировать.

Таким образом. У вас будет доступ к наличным деньгам в случае возникновения каких-либо проблем. Хорошим местом для хранения чрезвычайного фонда является высокодоходный сберегательный счет.

Как только у вас появятся наличные резервы и ваш долг под высокие проценты будет под контролем, у вас не будет такого времени, как сейчас. Чтобы начать инвестировать.

“Старая пословица гласит. Что пришло время на рынке. А не на рынке. Инвестируйте как можно скорее”. – говорит Перри.

Вот лучшие места для начала.

Лучшие инвестиции в 2021 году

Индексные фонды (ETF или Взаимные фонды)

Эксперты рекомендуют недорогие диверсифицированные индексные фонды. Это фонды с низкими коэффициентами расходов или комиссионными, которые отлично подходят для всех инвесторов. Индексный фонд S&P 500 – отличное место для начала. Он отслеживает 500 крупнейших компаний на фондовом рынке. Индексные фонды-более безопасная инвестиция, чем попытки выбрать отдельные акции. Потому что они расширяют ваши инвестиции в сотни компаний. Этот процесс хорошо работает. Если у вас нет времени или интереса выбирать отдельные акции. Кроме того, со временем эта стратегия. Как правило. Приносит более высокую прибыль.

There are several index funds to choose from, including those based on a specific industry, timeline, or sector of the market. You can buy an index fund that is an exchange-traded fund (ETF). Which behaves like a traditional stock with market fluctuations throughout the day. Or a mutual fund that closes at the end of the market day. Despite their small differences. Either one could be a good choice. Just take note of the fees and investment minimums. EFTs tend to be an easier entry point for beginners due to lower costs and minimums.  

Other Types of Investment Strategies

As an investor. You may decide to add other types of investments to your portfolio. Types of securities you can add might be higher risk. But can compliment your index funds. Whatever other securities you decide to add. Make sure you align them with your investment goals and do some research before to make sure you know what you’re investing in.

Small Cap Stocks

A small cap stock is one from a company with market capitalization under $2 billion. These stocks can be a way to invest in companies that are poised for long-term growth and fast gains. 

Adding small cap stocks to your portfolio through an index fund is a good way to incorporate small cap stocks to your investment strategy. A popular small cap index fund is the Russell 2000 index which tracks 2,000 small cap companies across a variety of industries. Of course, there’s no guarantee that a small company will survive, and initial performance isn’t a guarantee it will continue. 

Blue Chip Stocks

Blue chip stocks are shares of large, well-known companies that are household names – think Disney, Amazon, and Johnson & Johnson. These stocks are thought of as being reliable, safe, and able to weather economic downturns over the long-term. 

To identify blue chip stocks. Take a look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Because they have a proven track record, having blue chip stocks can add stability and reliability to your portfolio. If you have an S&P 500 or total market index fund. Chances are you have good exposure to these stocks already. A blue chip index fund or ETF is a good way to start investing in these. The SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust is one of the most popular blue chip funds because of its low fees. You can also purchase shares directly through your brokerage. 

Real Estate and/or REITs

Buying a property often requires upfront costs like down payment and fees for closing, on top of any renovations you choose to make. There are also ongoing (and perhaps unexpected) costs. Like maintenance, repairs. Dealing with tenants. And vacancies if you decide to rent out the property. 

If homeownership isn’t for you, you can still invest in real estate through real estate investment trusts (REITs). REITs allow you to buy shares of a real estate portfolio with properties located across the country. They’re publicly traded and have the potential for high dividends and long-term gains. 

“REITs have done superbly well this year. They don’t usually do well with a pandemic, but surprisingly, they have,” says Luis Strohmeier, certified financial planner, partner. And advisor at Octavia Wealth Advisors. Part of the reason is you get access to properties, such as commercial real estate and multi-family apartment complexes. That could be out-of-reach for an individual investor.  

On the flip side, dividend payments earned through REITs are taxed as ordinary income instead of qualified dividends, which may cause you to have a higher tax bill if you invest through a taxable brokerage account. When you invest in a REIT. You’re also inherently trusting the management company to scout income-producing properties and manage them correctly. You don’t get a say in which properties the REIT chooses to purchase. But with that said. You don’t have to deal with tenants, repairs. Or find a big down payment to start investing. And if you can invest through a tax-advantaged account. The dividends could grow tax-free. 

Where to Invest In 2021

Choosing what to invest in is one thing. You also have to choose what type of account to place your investments in. 

IRAs are recommended by financial experts because they help shield investors from taxes when saving for retirement or other long-term goals. There are a few different types of IRAs. Also known as Individual Retirement Arrangements.

Roth IRA

A Roth IRA is a great savings vehicle for retirement. Whatever you put in. You can take out. And whatever money grows is tax-free when you take it out at 59 ½.  Each year, you can contribute $6,000 to your Roth if you’re under age 50 and $7,000 if you’re over 50, as long as your income doesn’t exceed $140,000 if you file single or $208,000 if filing jointly. 

It’s a particularly excellent strategy when you’re young or in a low tax bracket. You pay taxes on your contributions now, and then let them grow tax-free for as long as you can. “That’s a huge benefit. Because you don’t have to pay tax on it again. That’s like free money,” says Perry.   

Traditional IRA

A traditional IRA allows you to claim a tax deduction on your contributions, but you’ll pay taxes when you withdraw at age 59 ½. It’s a good choice if you expect your future tax rate to be lower than it is now, or if you’d rather get a tax break now than in the future. 

Contribution limits are the same as a Roth IRA. 


Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRAs are retirement accounts for small businesses or self-employed individuals. If you work for yourself or own a small business. It’s a way to put away savings for retirement. With higher limits than a traditional 401(k) or IRA. With a SEP IRA. You can contribute up to $58,000 per year. That could provide a big savings opportunity for small business owners. 

What to Consider Before Investing and Why Long Term Investing is Key

As you begin your investing journey, consider first where you’d like to hold your investments. That could be a taxable brokerage account. An employer’s 401(k). Or a tax-advantaged IRA. If you want to invest in real estate. Decide if physical properties or REITs match your investment style. 

Then, assess your risk tolerance and how long you want to invest. Keep in mind that. Due to compound interest. Investing long-term (10+ years) is the most assured way to grow your money. 

It’s perfectly fine to invest entirely in low-cost. Diversified index funds. “Adequately diversified investments with a long track record of growth is the key to building wealth,” says Stohmeier. That way, you’re also able to withstand market dips while giving your cash the best chance to grow.

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